

Once again the Comms team comes through with elegance and grace. Thank you for assembling and inspiring such a talented team that’s always a pleasure to work with.
— Bill Wurz | Ford Motor Company | Experience Design Director
She is always enthusiastic and eager to contribute in any capacity, but she trusts her team to try, fail, learn, and succeed.
— Matt Graff | Nemo Design | Creative Director
She has a genuine demeanor and walks this planet with a lot of integrity.
— Trevor Graves | Nemo Design | Founder, President
Her work, partnership, mentorship and leadership reflect an open soul and a highly tuned mind...highly skilled at designing for an audience - one that feels, thinks and relates.
— Harriet Riley | Social Strategy Director
Jessica can seamlessly transition between 2D and 3D thinking, making her a unique asset on projects ranging from graphics to packaging to experience design.
— Meral Middleton | INDUSTRY | Founding Partner & Managing Director
She thrives in challenging circumstances, ensuring that tight deadlines are met and that the quality of her work always meets her high standards.
— Ben Hermel | Microsoft | Creative Director
...ability to fundamentally connect with clients and consumers as individuals, deepening her communication to them through design.
— Natasha Stanley | Design Strategist: Brand & Experience Innovation